My Projects

My 'Current' Projects


This Aetrocious website! I'm still not sure the complete vision of this website yet, but I do like tinkering with it and developing the most basic of basics and transfering it to this electiric stone tablet.


This Dauntless website! I'm still not sure the complete vision of this website is either yet, but I do like tinkering with it and had completely forgotten it existed until recently!

3D Browser RPG

RPG Game I stumbled upon SimonDev on youtube and he actually made the bones of an RPG in JavaScript over the course of a couple days. So, naturally I wanted to pick it apart and play with it!


RokZon is my Fathers passion project that I am helping in any way I can with my limited knowledge, we're tackling a gaming community network, with news, reviews, tips and tricks and LFG. Check back every once in a while, Its most definitely a slow process but we're in it for the long haul.

Avorion Game Resource

Avorion is a list of goods, and the stations that require or produce them. Future may include the planning of stations and what you need to keep them all fulfilled?


Slightly buzzed idea after my 3rd week of javascript. The main idea is a way to find the best orders for your location in Mount and Blade: Bannerlord multiplayer coop mod. Essentially would use where you are, your weight capacity and what orders were around your location then ??? and profit!

Game Concept #1

Cloning Facility Mishap, what is happening at the corporation?

Game Concept #2

Fucking Adventurers, I just moved into this cave to get away...

Game Concept #3

APB reloaded in medieval times!? Knights vs Monsters?/Thieves vs Knights?

My 'Completed' Projects

Project Wesker

Project was scrapped after my company's losses with the Racoon Trials. The verdict bankrupted the company (Umbrella corp), and they and their subsidiaries closed down over the next year, with a large enough stigma present that some were not purchased by rivals.

My 'Completed' School Work


Started with a myspace page, and ended with a uber-profesh, dog adoption website. Booyah.

CIS 195 Sitemap

Javascript CS 133JS

One of my current classes, hecka learnin' going on here... feel free to follow along and see my ineptitude.

CS133JS Sitemap